Exam Preview
Exam Preview
Best Practices in Electrophysiology
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. What patient data must be entered in order to utilize the ABR normative data?
2. When using common mode rejection the voltage difference is measured for the
3. In ABR, what response parameter is most obviously different between infant ABRs and adult ABRs?
4. What does a latency-intensity function look like for a conductive hearing loss?
5. Why is it more difficult to obtain a quality recording for a 500 Hz toneburst?
6. If a cochlear microphonic is detected, it suggests
7. What 2 measurements below are used in standard ABR to determine if a tumor is present?
8. What is the purpose of ECochG?
9. In Electrocochleography, why would you obtain a larger response using TMtrode versus tiptrode?
10. In Electrocochleography, what measurement do you look at to determine whether there is an abnormality in the response?
11. In a normal ear for MLR, what happens to the latency of the response as you decrease intensity?
12. For middle, late and cortical responses, what should the patient state be to obtain the best response?
13. For P300 how many types of stimuli are presented?
14. Which of the following may cause an abnormal result on P300 testing?
15. The cortical response is not fully mature until what age?