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Deep Canal Fittings: No Perks Without the Work - Achieving Benefits Through Good Practice

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1.  Which is not a benefit of deep canal hearing aid fittings?
  1. Deep canal fittings address the cosmetic need of the hearing aid user
  2. Ear canal and pinna resonance is maintained thus preserving much of the natural directionality and localization ability of the ear
  3. Allows effective use of the telephone without feedback
  4. Requires more acoustic gain to increase the fitting range of the instrument
2.  The style of a miniCiC/IIC hearing instrument refers to:
  1. How far the canal tip extends past the 2nd bend of the ear canal
  2. Whether the canal end sits in the cartilaginous or boney portion of the ear canal
  3. How far the faceplate of the instrument is recessed past the aperture of the ear canal
  4. The visibility of the instrument in the patient's ear
  5. C and D
3.  Which is true of deep canal fitting hearing aids?
  1. This type of fitting has been around for decades
  2. Can be accomplished with any style of custom hearing aid
  3. Requires that the canal of the instrument end in the boney portion of the ear canal
  4. All are true
4.  Which is not a manufacturer requirement for successful building of a deep fitting canal instrument?
  1. That the dispenser use silicone impression material
  2. That the faceplate have a minimum vertical dimension of 12.5 mm
  3. That the faceplate have a horizontal dimension of at least 7 mm
  4. That the impression fully reproduce the second bend and be at least 15 mm long.
5.  What is the premise behind deep canal fittings and management of the occlusion effect?
  1. What is the premise behind deep canal fittings and management of the occlusion effect?
  2. Deep canal fittings produce less low frequency gain and therefore do not cause occlusion.
  3. The best way to manage occlusion is to not create it in the first place.
  4. None of the above is the reason that deep canal instruments manage occlusion.
6.  Which is not a contraindication to fitting a deep canal hearing aid?
  1. The patient does not meet the anatomical requirement
  2. The patient's hearing loss does not fit within the recommended fitting range of the hearing aid
  3. The patient exhibits manual dexterity limitations that would interfere with insertion and removal
  4. All of the above are contraindications to deep canal fittings.
7.  When critiquing an ear mold impression for deep canal fitting:
  1. When critiquing an ear mold impression for deep canal fitting:
  2. The impression should be free of creases , seams or blisters throughout the canal region
  3. The impression should reproduce and extend at least 8-12 mm past bend
  4. Difference in ear texture from porous (cartilaginous) to smooth (boney) should be reflected in the surface appearance of the impression.
  5. All of the above
8.  Which is not a risk unique to deep canal impressions?
  1. Proximity to the tympanic membrane increases risk of damage to TM
  2. The texture of the skin in the boney portion of the ear canal is thinner and more sensitive to pressure and abrasion.
  3. There is increased risk of patient discomfort
  4. The patient is more susceptible to errors in infection control than for traditional impression technique.
9.  Which is (are) the advantages of utilizing a fully adaptive DSP circuit when fitting deep canal hearing aids?
  1. Allows access to advanced features such as adaptive feedback cancellation, noise reduction and expansion
  2. Allows access to automatic listening situation detection and corresponding adaptive response adjustments.
  3. Eliminates the necessity for button or use of remote control to access multiple listening situations
  4. All of the above
10.  What are the advances in technology that have allowed the development of deep fitting miniCiC/IIC instruments as discussed in this presentation?
  1. Advances in earmold impression technique
  2. Digital modeling of shells for consistent and more accurate shell fabrication
  3. Advances in digital signal processing for greater processing capability and minimal space requirement.
  4. B and C

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