Exam Preview

Widex Moment PureSound - Innovations and Influence on Cognition

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1.  What is Auditory Scene Analysis?
  1. Flashing lights in the brain
  2. How the brain separates one sound from a mixture of sounds in order to focus on the intended target
  3. How the brain listens to music
  4. None of the above
2.  Working memory, attention, motivation can affect your:
  1. Marriage
  2. Tinnitus
  3. Effort in listening
  4. None of the above
3.  PVC and vinyl face masks provide:
  1. The least amount of speech attenuation in the low frequencies
  2. The least amount of speech attenuation in the higher frequencies
  3. The most amount of speech attenuation in the higher frequencies
  4. None of the above
4.  What does EFR Stand for?
  1. Evoke Freedom Response
  2. Evoke Flashing Response
  3. Envelope Flash Response
  4. Envelope Following Response
5.  The PureSound program in the Widex MOMENT provides better synchrony to the EFR by:
  1. Delivering the fastest sound to the ear canal at .5 msec
  2. Occluding the ear canal
  3. Slowing down the processing
  4. None of the above