Modern Auditory Training - Hearing Loss Challenges Don't Stop at the Ears
The co-morbidities of hearing loss include social isolation and loneliness, depression, increased risk of falls, as well as cognitive decline, and related dementias. In this presentation, we will describe how digital therapeutics are changing the face of healthcare, and then present an example of how digital therapeutics may be used to treat hearing loss and its downstream effects.
auditory, textual, visual
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Modern Auditory Training - Hearing Loss Challenges Don't Stop at the Ears
The co-morbidities of hearing loss include social isolation and loneliness, depression, increased risk of falls, as well as cognitive decline, and related dementias. In this presentation, we will describe how digital therapeutics are changing the face of healthcare, and then present an example of how digital therapeutics may be used to treat hearing loss and its downstream effects.
Presented by Nancy Tye-Murray, PhD
Course: #36712Level: Intermediate0.5 Hours
AAA/0.05 Intermediate; ACAud/0.5; AHIP/0.5; BAA/0.5; CAA/0.5; Calif SLPAB/0.5; IACET/0.1; IHS/0.5; Kansas, LTS-S0035/0.5; NZAS/1.0; SAC/0.5
The co-morbidities of hearing loss include social isolation and loneliness, depression, increased risk of falls, as well as cognitive decline, and related dementias. In this presentation, we will describe how digital therapeutics are changing the face of healthcare, and then present an example of how digital therapeutics may be used to treat hearing loss and its downstream effects.