Exam Preview

Sonic Spotlight Series: Remote Fitting

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1.  Which of the following is a basic requirement for a hearing care professional using Remote Fitting?
  1. PC camera or external camera
  2. Microphone and speakers or USB headset
  3. Stable internet connection
  4. All of the above
2.  Which of the following is a basic requirement for a patient using Remote Fitting?
  1. Ability to use applications, receive/send emails and connect to WiFi on mobile device
  2. Email account
  3. Stable internet connection
  4. All of the above
3.  Which of the following is a necessity for a patient using the SoundLink Connect app for a Remote Fitting session?
  1. Fully charged laptop battery
  2. Fully charged hearing aid battery
  3. Fully charged car battery
  4. Semi-charged hearing aid battery
4.  When a hearing care professional makes adjustments in the EXPRESSfit Pro fitting software during a Remote Fitting, what is the next step to activate those adjustments in the patient’s hearing aids?
  1. Click on the “Video” button
  2. Click on “Save and Exit”
  3. Click on the “Upload” button
  4. Nothing is required as the changes occur in real time
5.  Which of the following is a feature that is not available in Sonic’s Remote Fitting solution
  1. Changes to the frequency response
  2. Running the Feedback Manager
  3. Changes to Frequency Transfer
  4. All of the above