Research QuickTakes Volume 8: Hearing Aid Fitting Toolbox: Non-audiologic Considerations in the Selection and Fitting of Hearing Aids
This course reviews the prevalence of hearing loss, unmet hearing care needs, followed by a review of “stages of change” models and patient-centered care. We further discuss issues that can impact success with hearing aids such as: percept of problem, locus of control, listening fatigue, empowerment, and self-esteem. In the final section, we address the issue of mental health, and how HCPs can be involved with this important issue.
auditory, textual, visual
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Research QuickTakes Volume 8: Hearing Aid Fitting Toolbox: Non-audiologic Considerations in the Selection and Fitting of Hearing Aids
This course reviews the prevalence of hearing loss, unmet hearing care needs, followed by a review of “stages of change” models and patient-centered care. We further discuss issues that can impact success with hearing aids such as: percept of problem, locus of control, listening fatigue, empowerment, and self-esteem. In the final section, we address the issue of mental health, and how HCPs can be involved with this important issue.
Presented by H. Gustav Mueller, PhD, Brian Taylor, AuD
Course: #42962Level: Intermediate1.75 Hours
AAA/0.15 Intermediate; ACAud/1.5; ASHA/0.15 Intermediate, Professional; BAA/1.5; CAA/1.5; Calif SLPAB/1.5; IACET/0.2; IHS/1.5; Kansas, LTS-S0035/1.5; NZAS/2.0; SAC/1.5
This course reviews the prevalence of hearing loss, unmet hearing care needs, followed by a review of “stages of change” models and patient-centered care. We further discuss issues that can impact success with hearing aids such as: percept of problem, locus of control, listening fatigue, empowerment, and self-esteem. In the final section, we address the issue of mental health, and how HCPs can be involved with this important issue.