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Genie 2: Advanced Fitting Tools to Customize Fittings for Individual Patients

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1.  In which tool in Genie 2 would you find the available fitting rationales for a particular Oticon product?
  1. Personalization
  2. Acoustics
  3. Program Manager
  4. Automatics
2.  The MoreSound Intelligence controls available for difficult environments are:
  1. Neural Noise Suppression Easy & Virtual Outer Ear
  2. Virtual Outer Ear & Sound Enhancer
  3. Environmental Control & Virtual Outer Ear
  4. Neural Noise Suppression Difficult & Sound Enhancer
3.  The average amount of time needed to complete REM Autofit measurements is:
  1. Ten minutes
  2. Eight minutes
  3. Six minutes
  4. Four minutes
4.  The REM Autofit module for Audioscan’s Verifit is called:
  1. Verifit Autofit
  2. VerifitLINK
  3. Audioscan LINK
  4. Avant REM
5.  The Pediatric Fitting Mode in Genie 2 sets default settings in non-pediatric Oticon products for children ages:
  1. 0 - 6 years old
  2. 0 - 10 years old
  3. 0 - 14 years old
  4. 0 - 17 years old