Exam Preview

Research & Development for New Products at Oticon

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1.  “Eriksholm” refers to:
  1. A group of researchers and engineers who do all of our clinical testing
  2. A semi-autonomous research center that stands apart from our main developmental center but helps set the stage for future technology developments
  3. A network of manufacturer-owned clinical testing centers that we have created across the globe
  4. A casual meeting area in our development office we employees come and share ideas over coffee
2.  Modern hearing aid development requires expertise in:
  1. Only acoustics and engineering as most signal processing routines are brought in from university-based researchers
  2. Primarily wireless technologies because most signal processing is now cloud-based
  3. Primarily digital signal processing and physical product development can now all be out sourced
  4. A broad range of disciplines including acoustics, digital signal processing, software development, wireless systems, sensor technologies, battery technologies, etc.
3.  In Oticon More, Deep Learning:
  1. Is used as a brand new approach to speech in noise processing
  2. Manages all aspects of device function
  3. Is dependent on a constant cloud connection
  4. Is just another name for Artificial Intelligence
4.  New platform development is important because:
  1. You can only manufacture a limited number of a given platform
  2. We purchase platforms from phone manufacturers, and they are always upgrading
  3. Greater processing power, speed and resolution allow you to implement even more complex signal processing algorithms
  4. Firmware-based platforms physically degrade over time due to the excessive amount of processing the need to do
5.  Pupilometry and EEG are:
  1. Examples of advanced testing approached used by Eriksholm to evaluate the benefit provided by amplification
  2. Tests we use to determine the creativity of employees we hire
  3. Tests we use to determine if our employees are becoming fatigued
  4. Are project names we use to talk about future products