1. The New BrainHearing insights tell us people with hearing loss prefer:
2. The new dome option available for this product family is called:
3. The Oticon More product family can only be programmed with which programming device?
4. What is the recommended solution for installing Genie 2 2020.2 if you have Genie 2019.2 or earlier on your computer?
5. The Oticon More miniRITE R style includes a feature called:
6. Our latest BrainHearing™ research shows the brain is designed to:
7. Oticon More is available in how many performance levels?
8. The streaming equalizer in the Oticon ON app works with Bluetooth Low Energy hearing aids on what Oticon platforms?
9. Oticon More miniRITE R devices are shipped in battery protection mode to:
10. Patients with Velox and Velox S products need to use what intermediary device to stream android phone calls?