1. 1.When a family member accompanies a client to an audiology appointment to help them manage the myriad of information, the family member’s role can be best described as:
2. “Because of my partner’s hearing loss, I have to make phone calls for him/her”. This statement is an example of
3. Which of the following is not a documented outcome of involving communication partners in hearing care consultations
4. A review study by Vas et al (2017) documented the effects of hearing loss on clients and communication partners in three domains. Which of the domains below are incorrect?
5. Which statement does not describe current audiological practice best, as it relates to the involvement of communication partners in hearing care consultations:
6. Which of the following tools can be used to prepare a client and their communication partner for an upcoming appointment by thinking about difficult listening situations?
7. The Goal Sharing for Partners tool helps the person with hearing loss and their partner to:
8. The strategies below describe ways of involving the communication partner after the clinical consultation. Which is the odd one out?
9. Effort associated with having to interpret for their partner, feelings of guilt & stress, and effort involved in communication are all examples of how hearing loss impacts communication partners in the
10. Going out alone, relationship conflicts, and reduced enjoyment of social activities are all examples of how hearing loss impacts communication partners in the