Exam Preview

Our Evolving Understanding of the Reaction to Aging

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1.  The data indicates that Baby Boomers:
  1. Will live longer, healthier lives past retirement
  2. Often start new careers or new initiatives after the retirement
  3. Are more willing to spend than previous generations of older adults
  4. All of the above
2.  Denial:
  1. Is a common reaction by older adults to a range of body changes
  2. Is a defense mechanism that serves a protective role as the person processes the idea that their body is changing
  3. Is a major contributor to the lack of uptake of amplification
  4. All of the above
3.  Normalization
  1. Is a reaction pattern in which the older adult fights the idea of getting older
  2. Is a reaction pattern where the older adult just wants to be treated like normal
  3. Is a reaction pattern in which the older adult becomes resigned to the fact that the body changes as one gets older and there is nothing you have to do about it
  4. Is a reaction pattern that says normal people don’t get hearing aids
4.  The Identity Model:
  1. Requires an older adult to shed their previous status when they retire
  2. Requires an older adult to actively list and track all possible relationships that matter to them as they move through life
  3. Indicates that an older adult will seek balance in their self-perception as the effects of aging become apparent
  4. Suggests that an older adult simply has to accept the inevitability of aging and, thus, change who the believe they are
5.  The Third Age:
  1. Is the period between the time of retirement and the time dependency
  2. Has been embraced more actively by many Baby Boomers than previous generations
  3. Is a time when many Baby Boomers travel, volunteer, start small businesses, etc.
  4. All of the above
6.  In order to move forward successfully, the following factors must be in place:
  1. The patient must have trust in the product and in the provider
  2. The patient must have the self-confidence that they are making the right decision
  3. The patient must emotionally feel a sense of urgency
  4. All of the above
7.  Compared to previous generations, the classic Family Tree for older adults:
  1. Can now be better described as beanpole
  2. Includes less children but more siblings for older adults
  3. Can provide socialization and emotional support that can cross generations
  4. May not include all of the important relationships in the life of an older adult
  5. All of the above
8.  The newest generation of older adults:
  1. Have to simply accept that they cannot play the same role in society that they once did
  2. Typically reject the idea of playing many different roles
  3. Will have their role decided for them by others
  4. May serve many different roles (parent, grandparent, caregiver, colleague, volunteer) all of which require communication abilities
9.  For older adults, family relationships:
  1. Can often be counted on to provide important socialization opportunities
  2. Can sometimes be a source of stress for older adults
  3. Are not the only source of emotional support for older adults
  4. All of the above
10.  According to the Convoy Model:
  1. Baby Boomers still respond well to 70”s novelty songs
  2. Older adults will move through life a with a support network that often moves along with them
  3. Only a spouse can “carry the weight” of full support
  4. If an older adult starts a new friendship or relationship, they need to transfer all their life experience and approach.