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A New Generation Delivering OpenSound Experience
Oticon CEU courses
Presented by Amy Bohms
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34707Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Oticon Opn™ introduced a paradigm shift in hearing healthcare providing speech understanding close to that of normal listeners. Now, Oticon is set to deliver even further improvements in speech understanding and listening effort. This session will review Oticon’s next generation of advanced technological options that promise to provide even better speech understanding for all listeners.

Our Evolving Understanding of the Reaction to Aging
Oticon CEU courses
Presented by Don Schum, PhD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34704Level: Intermediate1 Hour
As our main target audience for hearing care shifts into the Baby Boom generation, so should our understanding of how these individuals view the aging process. The well-known attitudes and behaviors of this new generation of seniors will inevitably affect how they respond to developing communication difficulties.

Hearing Aids for Children and Teens: Tips and Tricks for Successful Fittings
Oticon CEU courses
Presented by Dave Gordey, PhD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34567Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This course reflects upon best practice in pediatric amplification and will discuss practical clinical strategies when following clinical guidelines. Meeting DSL targets, choice of test signal, applications of the RECD, and considerations for open/thin tube hearing device fittings for children will be discussed.

Oticon Symposium in Pediatric Audiology
Oticon CEU courses
Presented by Marlene Bagatto, AuD, PhD, Sheila Moodie, PhD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #35173Level: Introductory3 Hours
No CEUs/Hours Offered
The Oticon Symposium in Pediatric Audiology is a recorded three hour virtual conference that explores current topics of interest to clinicians working in pediatric audiology. Our guest speakers include Dr. Marlene Bagatto and Dr. Sheila Moodie from Western University who will discuss considerations when fitting children with CROS and BICROS hearing aids and tools to help support families of children with hearing loss. The Oticon Symposium in Pediatric Audiology is provided with captioning.

Oticon Government Services: The Complete Portfolio
Oticon CEU courses
Presented by Sarah Draplin, AuD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34526Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Update on May 2020 Government Services contract offerings, with a brief review of Opn S, and introduce Oticon CROS and EduMic. This course will also focus on Selective Attention and Oticon’s new EEG research regarding Opn S products.

The Aging Perceptual System
Oticon CEU courses
Presented by Don Schum, PhD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34527Level: Intermediate1 Hour
The majority of hearing aid users are older adults and, thus, it is incumbent to understand the nature of their perceptual difficulties. In this seminar, the effects of aging in combination with hearing loss on spoken language understanding will be examined.

The Technical and Physiological Effects of Opn S
Oticon CEU courses
Presented by Don Schum, PhD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34525Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Oticon Opn S features a unique approach to processing speech in complex environments – OpenSound Navigator. In this seminar, the effect of this signal processing approach on the ability of the brain to lock on to more than one speaker in the environment will be demonstrated. Further, the unique speed and effectiveness of OpenSound Navigator compared to alternative approaches will also be demonstrated.

Enhancing the Classroom Experience
Oticon CEU courses
Presented by Candace Depp, AuD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34158Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Remote microphones are being utilized in schools to improve access to a teacher’s voice for children with hearing loss. However, little attention has been given to its design or usability by school-based professionals and their students. In this session, we will introduce research that impacted development of a device from Oticon that ushers in a new era of connection in the classroom and share its innovative features.

Supporting Education, Advocacy and Knowledge for Students with Hearing Loss
Oticon CEU courses
Presented by Dave Gordey, PhD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #33970Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Anecdotal evidence suggests that deaf and hard of hearing students benefit when involved in structured, supportive, peer-to-peer experiences. Two successful school-based peer support groups located in Alberta and Ohio have achieved these positive outcomes. Factors contributing to success were a leader-mentor model combined with student, audiologist and community mentors. Our aim with this work was to develop a template for a structured school-based support and resource program, that could guide school-based hearing care professionals on how to bring together students with hearing loss to share experiences, learn about education, advocacy, and living with hearing loss. A survey of North American school-based hearing professionals along with a review of the literature was completed. The aim was to explore structured peer programs, specific to students who are deaf or hard of hearing, and to understand the barriers and facilitators to developing and implementing these support programs.