Geriatrics Aging CEU Courses

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Our Evolving Understanding of the Reaction to Aging
Oticon CEU courses
Presented by Don Schum, PhD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34704Level: Intermediate1 Hour
As our main target audience for hearing care shifts into the Baby Boom generation, so should our understanding of how these individuals view the aging process. The well-known attitudes and behaviors of this new generation of seniors will inevitably affect how they respond to developing communication difficulties.

The Aging Perceptual System
Oticon CEU courses
Presented by Don Schum, PhD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #34527Level: Intermediate1 Hour
The majority of hearing aid users are older adults and, thus, it is incumbent to understand the nature of their perceptual difficulties. In this seminar, the effects of aging in combination with hearing loss on spoken language understanding will be examined.