1. In the past, fathers have been described as the ____, ____, and ____ parent.
2. Research has shown that fathers of children with disabilities experience ______ ______ related to their child's diagnosis or disability.
3. In a recent United Kingdom study, one thing that researchers found that fathers wanted was:
4. For the current study, fathers' age at the time of their participation in the survey averaged:
5. For the current study, a majority of fathers (43%) reported that their child with hearing loss was identified between the ages of:
6. For the current study, 82% of the children with hearing loss used ____ as their primary mode of communication:
7. For the current study, ____% of fathers strongly agreed & ____% agreed that they have an active role in decision-making for their child's intervention or habilitation.
8. For the current study, the majority of fathers reported satisfaction with their level of inclusion and involvement with their child's habilitation. They report or perceived:
9. For the current study, fathers who participated suggested the following strategies to improve their participation in their child's services:
10. For the current study, ___ % of fathers strongly agreed & ___ % agreed that communication with their child with hearing loss was fairly easy and the hearing loss does not impact the father-child relationship.