Exam Preview

Explaining True Focus and True Noise Reduction

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1.  Beltone’s approach to AI is called Intelligence Augmented, using a DualChip and 3 processors. What are those 3 processors?
  1. The human brain, 360 Chip and DNN Chip
  2. The 360 Chip only
  3. The DNN Chip only
  4. The True Chip
2.  Which is the correct technology and feature set?
  1. True Focus, True Noise Reduction, Beltone Envision 9 microRIE
  2. Clear Focus, Sound Cleaner Pro, Beltone Envision 17 microRIE
  3. True Focus, True Noise Reduction Beltone Envision 17 microRIE
  4. Clear Focus, True Noise Reduction Beltone Envision 9 63/64
3.  What distinguishes our upgraded 4-microphone weighted beamformer, Clear Focus, from our previous beamformers, Ultra Focus 2 and Ultra Focus?
  1. Clear Focus uses full band directionality where the others use split band
  2. Clear Focus uses True Noise Reduction where the other use Sound Cleaner Pro
  3. Clear Focus is available for all Beltone Envision RIEs where the others were just in the top technology level
  4. There is no difference between our beamformers
4.  How does True Noise Reduction differ from Sound Cleaner Pro in its approach to filtering out noise?
  1. True Noise Reduction uses previous experiences to help calculate noise reduction
  2. True Noise Reduction uses a data-driven method
  3. True Noise Reduction does not implement a one-size-fits-all approach to reducing noise across all environments.
  4. All the above
5.  Our DNN system was primarily trained using speech in different noise environments. This allowed us to bypass potential challenges when using a larger set of samples. What are those challenges?
  1. Higher battery drain
  2. Over processing of the signal
  3. Larger battery and hearing aid size
  4. All the above