Exam Preview

Beltone Tinnitus Management-An Overview

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1.  Tinnitus perception requires further medical investigation:
  1. In certain cases, such as when it pulsates or when it is experienced only in one ear (unilaterally)
  2. When it is perceived as being very loud
  3. If the tinnitus perception occurs without measurable hearing loss
  4. Whenever it is reported, regardless of characteristics
2.  Within the Beltone Tinnitus Calmer App, Soundscapes:
  1. Are activated by tapping any bubble on the main screen, regardless of size
  2. Are activated by tapping only the small bubbles on the screen. Larger bubbles are just there as a tactile distraction
  3. Cannot be edited
  4. Are activated on the main screen by tapping on the larger bubbles which contain titles within the center
3.  The Threshold of Audibility Method refers to:
  1. The ascending and descending method of presenting pure tones to establish the hearing thresholds of an individual
  2. One method of appropriately setting the level of a Tinnitus Sound Generator, ensuring it is audible but does not completely mask the perceived tinnitus
  3. A game played to establish the perceived level of tinnitus for a child
  4. Where the threshold of audibility for the tinnitus sound generator is established, then level needed to completely mask the tinnitus perception is established. Level is then set 10 to 15dB above the threshold for the TSG, where it completely exceeds the masking level
4.  Environmental Steering:
  1. Increases the level of the tinnitus in louder sound environments so that it is always very audible for the user
  2. Intelligently knows on what days the user’s tinnitus perception is loudest, and appropriately increases the volume to accommodate
  3. Acknowledges that, in most cases, tinnitus is most audible in quiet situations. It thereby acts as an automatic volume control, decreasing the volume of the Tinnitus Sound Generator in louder sound environments
  4. Decreases the volume of signal from the hearing instrument microphones so that the Tinnitus Sound Generator signal is dominant
5.  The Beltone Tinnitus Calmer App provides:
  1. Only direct streaming capability of Soundscapes when a patient has hearing loss and is wearing wireless compatible Beltone hearing instruments.
  2. Options for manipulating the Tinnitus Sound Generator. What options are available depends upon what has been programmed by the Hearing Care Professional
  3. All possible options for manipulating the Tinnitus Sound Generator regardless of what has been programmed by the Hearing Care Professional
  4. The ability to create custom Soundscapes for Tinnitus Sound Generation, activate by the tapping of a bubble on the main screen
6.  How many Nature Sounds are available within the Tinnitus Calmer App?
  1. 4
  2. 6
  3. 8
  4. 10
7.  What is the purpose of the small bubbles that move over the home screen of the Tinnitus Calmer App?
  1. Multisensory experience
  2. A tactile gamified exercise
  3. Provides a relaxation and distraction from tinnitus
  4. All of the above
8.  What is the purpose of Sound Therapy?
  1. Distraction
  2. Habituation
  3. Relief
  4. All of the above
9.  Approximately what percentage of people with hearing loss also have tinnitus?
  1. 60%
  2. 70%
  3. 80%
  4. 90%
10.  How many sounds can be layered in a Soundscape in the Tinnits Calmer App?
  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6