Exam Preview

Introducing Beltone Remote Care Live/Live Assistance

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1.  The patient needs to allow what permissions within the HearMax app before a Remote Care Live/Live Assistance call can take place?
  1. Have access to Solus Max
  2. Have access to phone contacts
  3. Have access to phone camera & phone microphone
  4. All of the above
2.  Where is Remote Care Live/Live Assistance located within the HearMax app?
  1. More menu
  2. My Beltone menu
  3. Home menu
  4. Status menu
3.  To successfully use Remote Care Live/Live Assistance your patient needs to ensure the following have a green check in the HearMax app:
  1. Hearing aid and internet connected, hearing aid and mobile device powered and microphone and camera permission granted
  2. Hearind aid connected, mobile device powered and camera and microphone permission
  3. Hearing aid in charger, internet connected, mobile device powered, and microphone permission
  4. Hearing aid in charger, internet connected, mobile device powered and camera and microphone permissions
4.  For Solus Max to remotely connect to the patient’s hearing aids, what is required to be connected to your computer?
  1. An external webcam only
  2. The patient's charger to a power source
  3. SpeedLink
  4. NoahLink Wireless
5.  Which feature is not available during a Remote Care Live/Live Assistance call?
  1. MSG Calibration
  2. Solus Max Guide
  3. Accessory pairing
  4. Copy/Paste a program
6.  Remote Care Live/Live Assistance is available for which products?Which hearing aids have the potential to access Remote Care Live?
  1. Any wireless hearing instrument programmed with Solus Max 1.5 and Solus Pro
  2. Trust and Amaze only
  3. Amaze, Trust, Boost Ultra and Boost Max
  4. Amaze only
7.  Once Solus Max has remotely connected to the hearing aids, the audio of the call will be heard from:
  1. The hearing aids
  2. The phone
  3. Both the hearing aids and the phone
  4. There is no audio during a Remote Care Live/Live Assistance session
8.  What options are available to you and your patient while in a Remote Care Live/Live Assistance call?
  1. Start a chat
  2. Mute the microphone
  3. Turn off the video camera
  4. All of the above
9.  What are some of the benefits of Remote Care Live/Live Assistance?
  1. Convenience
  2. Greater quality of care
  3. Easy to use
  4. All of the above
10.  If connection is lost during a Remote Care Live/Live Assistance call what happens?
  1. The HCP will see an error message with directions in Solus Max
  2. The patient will see an error message with directions in the HearMax app
  3. The new setting will not saved in the hearing aids
  4. All of the above