1. Who is Al Mann?
2. Where is Advanced Bionics located?
3. Which hearing aid manufacturer is a partner of Advanced Bionics?
4. What is the name of Advanced Bionics’ 3T MRI safe implant that requires no bandaging or head wrapping?
5. Which of AB's electrodes provide the surgeon with maximum surgical flexibility based upon surgical preference while maintaining patient performance?
6. How long after a 3.0 Tesla MRI Scan can a recipient with the HiRes Ultra 3D implant use their sound processor?
7. What is an accessory that wirelessly transmits a speaker’s voice directly to the listener, bridging the understanding gap in noise and over distance.
8. AB is committed to changing the future of hearing solutions through strong partnerships with which of the following groups?
9. What is the name of AB's online tool that provides one convenient location where information about a patient's warranty and device status is located?
10. What is the name of the hearing foundation that Sonova, the parent company of both AB and Phonak, founded to create a world in which each person has the chance of good hearing?