1. A _____________________ can be used to assess the perceived impact that hearing loss has on your patient’s quality of life.
2. Adults with severe-profound hearing loss reported improvements in the following areas after cochlear implantation:
3. Success with a cochlear implant is dependent on:
4. The level in the Auditory Skills Development Hierarchy that targets being aware of the presence or absence of sounds and speech is:
5. Listening for a word at the end of a sentence is practicing at what level on the Auditory Skills Hierarchy (Your dentist appointment is on Monday. Your tee time is scheduled for Saturday.) ?
6. You let your patient know that you will practice ordering sandwiches from a fast-food menu. Your patient is looking at the menu. There are only a handful of choices on the menu. They have to listen for Turkey Breast, Italian, Mediterranean, Chicken Salad, or Pizza Sandwich. What type of listening set is this an example of?
7. Which of the following statements is not true regarding older adults using online rehabilitation tools?
8. Choose the best answer: When you improve functional communication skills, it can lead to increased confidence and participation in life. This can ultimately result in…..
9. The ABRehabPortal is a great place for you and your patients to register to access free:
10. Discussions about rehabilitation should start: