Exam Preview

Guiding Spanish-Speaking Families in Promoting Early Literacy

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1.  What is an experience book?
  1. A book where the main character has a difficult experience and learns from it
  2. A photo album with printed out pictures of one event.
  3. A book bought after a specific experiences, i.e. “My First Visit to the Zoo” books
  4. A book a child puts together using materials from their environment and their own illustrations to capture an experience they had.
2.  What is an example of something you might say to a parent in an attempt to coach them in teaching their child directionality of text?
  1. “Trace the words with your finger as you read”
  2. “Hold the book in front of you or on your lap”
  3. “Point to individual words”
  4. “Encourage the baby to turn the page with you”
3.  What is an example of something you might say to a parent in an attempt to coach them in teaching their children concept of word?
  1. “Trace the words with your finger as you read”
  2. “Hold the book in front of you or on your lap”
  3. “Point to individual words”
  4. “Encourage the baby to turn the page with you”
4.  Which book type fits the following description? “These books are generally sturdy, have only a few pages, may not follow a plot, and are meant to be explored physically by the child.”
  1. Chapter books
  2. Early/ easy reader books
  3. Picture books
  4. Board books
5.  Which book type fits the following description? “These books are typically full of repetition, especially of high-frequency words or sight words. They may be marked by a phrase on the cover such as ‘I’m a reader!’ or ”I can read!’ Most Dr. Seuss books fall into this category.”
  1. Chapter books
  2. Early/easy reader
  3. Picture books
  4. Board books