CEU Courses

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Searching all 77 courses

Technology Update: Naida Link CROS, A Simple Way to Hear More
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Carol Murad
Recorded Webinar
Course: #29791Level: Introductory1 Hour
No CEUs/Hours Offered
AB & Phonak are extremely excited to introduce the Phonak Naida Link CROS device, the first and only wireless CROS solutions designed to work with a cochlear implant! The Naida Link CROS is a tiny, ear-level device that picks up signals presented to the "non-hearing" ear and instantaneously transmits them to the cochlear implant system on the "hearing ear". Join us to find out more about the Naida Link CROS, The Simple Way to Hear More.

Introduction to Advanced Bionics Cochlear Implants
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Katie Skipper
Recorded Webinar
Course: #296631 Hour
No CEUs/Hours Offered
Join us to learn more about cochlear implant candidacy and the unique AB & Phonak technologies that make communication in the real world easier for our recipients.

Connect to RehAB
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Dave Sindrey, M.CI. Sc., LSLS, Cert. AVT
Recorded Webinar
Course: #292001 Hour
No CEUs/Hours Offered
Do you have a progressive hearing loss? Are you new to using your hearing aid or cochlear implant(s)? Learn about rehabilitation tools designed to help adults and seniors with a progressive hearing loss, who are using hearing aids or cochlear implants improve their speech understanding.

Technology- Understanding Microphone technology
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Sarah Downing
Recorded Webinar
Course: #291991 Hour
No CEUs/Hours Offered
Technology- Understanding Microphone technology

Introduction to Advanced Bionics Cochlear implants
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Sarah Benner
Recorded Webinar
Course: #291981 Hour
No CEUs/Hours Offered
Introduction to Advanced Bionics Cochlear implants. * Phonak NaidaTM Link hearing aid is not covered by all insurances plans. Please consult your insurance upon ordering.

Introduccion a Advanced Bionics
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Carina Rodriguez, AuD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #287441 Hour
No CEUs/Hours Offered
Introducción a Advanced Bionics

Technology- Connectivity for C1
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by doug lynch
Recorded Webinar
Course: #287431 Hour
No CEUs/Hours Offered
Technology- Connectivity for C1

Get Connected Webinar Series: It's What is Inside that Matters
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Apryl Sweat
Recorded Webinar
Course: #28423Level: Introductory1 Hour
No CEUs/Hours Offered
Get Connected webinar series: It’s what is inside that matters

Get Connected: Rehabilitation after a CI; Research & Practical Strategies for Teens and Adults
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Krista Heavner, MS, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert AVT
Recorded Webinar
Course: #280961 Hour
No CEUs/Hours Offered
Learn why rehabilitation post implantation is important along with auditory skills you can practice at home today. These strategies will help you maximize your success in listening in quiet and in noise. At the end of this course you will:
1. Understand the steps to developing auditory skills and how it relates to teens and adults who are learning to hear.
2. Learn 5 resources or activities a teen or adult can use in everyday environments while learning to listen.
3. Understand the importance of aural habilitation in achieving your maximal success in listening in quiet and in noise.

The Listening Room en Español
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Carina Rodriguez, AuD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #27982Level: Introductory1 Hour
No CEUs/Hours Offered
Obtenga recursos de rehAB en Español a través de la plataforma Online TheListeningRoomTM de Advanced Bionics. Ahora en versión multilingüe con acceso a todas las herramientas diseñadas y adaptadas al español de Latinoamérica. Aprenda a acceder, navegar y usar materiales para apoyar el desarrollo de las habilidades de audición y lenguaje, maximizando el potencial del Implante Coclear.