Pediatrics CEU Courses

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Deafness with Autism: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Erin Harvey, OTD, OTR/L, Chris Barton, MM, MT-BC, Wendy Deters, MS, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVEd., Michelle Leach, MS, CCC-SLP
Recorded Webinar
Course: #36861Level: Intermediate4 Hours
Children with deafness and autism have complex needs that require strong collaboration from a multi-disciplinary team for successful interventions. Service providers may feel uncertain about ways to coordinate and set priorities for these children. This series will explore multidisciplinary perspectives on deafness when it coexists with autism in an effort to help hearing health professionals gain better knowledge of autism and help understand the value of cross-disciplinary collaboration. Multi-disciplinary perspectives will be offered to help professionals recognize the early signs of autism coexisting with deafness, learn strategies to target more effective evaluation and interventions, and improve services to the child and family. This series will provide resources and clinical examples of Music Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Early Intervention, and School-Age Communication interventions for this unique population.

Deafness with Autism: An Occupational Therapy Perspective
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Erin Harvey, OTD, OTR/L
Recorded Webinar
Course: #36765Level: Intermediate1 Hour
When deafness coexists with autism, sensory seeking behaviors may be present and interdisciplinary interventions will be necessary for success. Learn the normal development of sensory, attention, and play skills, and understand vestibular processing and how to create and manage interventions that are sensitive and responsive to sensory issues.

Deafness with Autism: A Music Therapy Perspective
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Chris Barton, MM, MT-BC
Recorded Webinar
Course: #36776Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Recent surveys have revealed that 1 in 59 children with hearing loss also receives services for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) (Szymanski, Brice, Lam & Hotto, 2012). Current research demonstrates that many children with ASD respond more frequently and appropriately to music than to other auditory stimuli (Thaut, 1999, Whipple, J. 2004). This presentation will provide resources and clinical examples of music therapy as an intervention for this unique population.

Deafness with Autism: An Early Communication Perspective
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Wendy Deters, MS, CCC-SLP, LSLS Cert. AVEd.
Recorded Webinar
Course: #36777Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Deafness and autism both affect communication, but deafness is frequently identified before autism. Learn to identify the differences in communication development when a dual diagnosis may exist, proper referral channels, and intervention strategies to promote early listening and communication skills.

Deafness with Autism: A School Age Communication Perspective
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Michelle Leach, MS, CCC-SLP
Recorded Webinar
Course: #36764Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Deafness and autism both affect communication, but deafness is frequently identified before autism. Learn to identify the differences in communication development when a dual diagnosis may exist, proper referral channels, and intervention strategies to promote listening and communication skills in the school-age child.

Advanced Management of Complex Cases: Autism
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Kami Fehlig, AuD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #26735Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This course is the fourth virtual training in the series: Advanced Management of Complex Cases and will focus on Autism. The amount of children being diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum has increased at an alarming rate the last 10-15 years. With the high comorbidity of Autism and Profound hearing loss, it is critical for Audiologists working with these children to educate themselves on their unique needs. Ultimately this will lead to the best hearing and language outcomes.

rehAB on the GO!
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Karalee Needleman, Valeri LeBeau, MS, CCC-SLP
Recorded Webinar
Course: #26229Level: Introductory1 Hour
Learn about FUN and EXCITING on the go activities from the Advanced Bionics Global Rehabilitation program. Learn how to access, navigate and use materials to support listening and language development. Join the interactive webinar to learn from an expert how to set goals and what rehAB tools can be used on the go to develop a child's listening and language skills.

Deafness with Autism: A School Age Communication Perspective
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Valeri LeBeau, MS, CCC-SLP, Michelle Leach, MS, CCC-SLP
Course: #23777Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Deafness and autism both affect communication; but deafness is frequently identified before autism. Learn to identify the differences in communication development when a dual diagnosis may exist, proper referral channels, and intervention strategies to promote listening and communication skills in the school age child.

Cochlear Implants for Children with Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder: What Are We Learning?
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Holly F. B. Teagle, AuD
Course: #1767Level: Intermediate1 Hour
No CEUs/Hours Offered
This course will provide participants with clinical information regarding cochlear implants in children with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder.