State Requirement Info
Presented by Dave Fabry, PhD
Presented by Nichole Kingham, AuD
Presented by Brian Taylor, AuD, Dina Lelic, MSc., PhD
Presented by Dave Fabry, PhD, Andrea Hannan-Dawkes, AuD, FAAA
Presented by James Henry, PhD
Presented by Brian Taylor, AuD, Josefina Larsson, MSc, Bec Bennett, PhD, AuD, MBUS
Presented by Eric Branda, AuD, PhD, Brian Taylor, AuD
Presented by Hannah Halbreich, MSW, LICSW
Presented by Kristy Lowery, PhD, CCC-A, FAAA
Presented by Brian Taylor, AuD, Jerry Weber
Searching all 165 courses
Sound Bites: Gerry Turner “The Golden Bachelor”
Gerry Turner captured the hearts and minds of people when he appeared on a reality television show program. It was really refreshing because for the first time, rather than showing 20-year-olds trying to win over the affections of a bachelor or a bachelorette, it was somebody who is now old enough to qualify for Medicare. This broke down a lot of barriers in TV. Gerry has a hearing loss and wears Starkey hearing devices.
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Sound Bites: Gerry Turner “The Golden Bachelor”
Gerry Turner captured the hearts and minds of people when he appeared on a reality television show program. It was really refreshing because for the first time, rather than showing 20-year-olds trying to win over the affections of a bachelor or a bachelorette, it was somebody who is now old enough to qualify for Medicare. This broke down a lot of barriers in TV. Gerry has a hearing loss and wears Starkey hearing devices.
Sound Bites: Gerry Turner “The Golden Bachelor”

Course: #40325Level: Introductory0.5 Hours
No CEUs/Hours Offered
Gerry Turner captured the hearts and minds of people when he appeared on a reality television show program. It was really refreshing because for the first time, rather than showing 20-year-olds trying to win over the affections of a bachelor or a bachelorette, it was somebody who is now old enough to qualify for Medicare. This broke down a lot of barriers in TV. Gerry has a hearing loss and wears Starkey hearing devices.
eAudiology: Mind Your Step - How to Successfully Incorporate an Audiology Assistant
Working hard in your business instead of working ON your business? An audiology assistant may be just the thing to help create balance. But where to start? What can an assistant do? Not do? How do you find the right person, then train them? What do you pay them? With this learning module, you'll receive useful tools and an excellent understanding of how to take the first steps toward easily incorporating an audiology assistant into your practice.
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
eAudiology: Mind Your Step - How to Successfully Incorporate an Audiology Assistant
Working hard in your business instead of working ON your business? An audiology assistant may be just the thing to help create balance. But where to start? What can an assistant do? Not do? How do you find the right person, then train them? What do you pay them? With this learning module, you'll receive useful tools and an excellent understanding of how to take the first steps toward easily incorporating an audiology assistant into your practice.
eAudiology: Mind Your Step - How to Successfully Incorporate an Audiology Assistant

Course: #40101Level: Intermediate1 Hour
AAA/0.1 Intermediate
Working hard in your business instead of working ON your business? An audiology assistant may be just the thing to help create balance. But where to start? What can an assistant do? Not do? How do you find the right person, then train them? What do you pay them? With this learning module, you'll receive useful tools and an excellent understanding of how to take the first steps toward easily incorporating an audiology assistant into your practice.
Exploring the Benefits of Positive Listening Experiences for Hearing Aid Wearers
Recent research indicates that a focus on positive listening experiences significantly enhances hearing aid outcomes. This interview explores this research and how clinicians can use the findings to shape outcomes during the first weeks and months of hearing aid use.
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Exploring the Benefits of Positive Listening Experiences for Hearing Aid Wearers
Recent research indicates that a focus on positive listening experiences significantly enhances hearing aid outcomes. This interview explores this research and how clinicians can use the findings to shape outcomes during the first weeks and months of hearing aid use.
Exploring the Benefits of Positive Listening Experiences for Hearing Aid Wearers

Course: #39809Level: Intermediate0.5 Hours
AAA/0.05 Intermediate; ACAud/0.5; AHIP/0.5; ASHA/0.05 Intermediate, Professional; BAA/0.5; CAA/0.5; Calif SLPAB/0.5; IACET/0.1; IHS/0.5; Kansas, LTS-S0035/0.5; NZAS/1.0; SAC/0.5
Recent research indicates that a focus on positive listening experiences significantly enhances hearing aid outcomes. This interview explores this research and how clinicians can use the findings to shape outcomes during the first weeks and months of hearing aid use.
Starkey Sound Bites: Finding the Right Fit with Fitting Formulas with Dr. Andrea Hannan Dawkes
Prescriptive hearing aid fitting rationales play an important role in successful hearing aid fittings. The ability to optimize the hearing aid response from the first fit forward is necessary to ensure the technology being fit provides amplification that is appropriate for the hearing loss, promotes effective communication, and addresses the individual needs of the patient. Hearing aid fitting formulas can also play a role in the acceptance or rejection of amplification. In this session, Dr. Dave Fabry discusses fitting formulas with Dr. Andrea Hannan Dawkes, Senior Education & Training Audiologist.
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Starkey Sound Bites: Finding the Right Fit with Fitting Formulas with Dr. Andrea Hannan Dawkes
Prescriptive hearing aid fitting rationales play an important role in successful hearing aid fittings. The ability to optimize the hearing aid response from the first fit forward is necessary to ensure the technology being fit provides amplification that is appropriate for the hearing loss, promotes effective communication, and addresses the individual needs of the patient. Hearing aid fitting formulas can also play a role in the acceptance or rejection of amplification. In this session, Dr. Dave Fabry discusses fitting formulas with Dr. Andrea Hannan Dawkes, Senior Education & Training Audiologist.
Starkey Sound Bites: Finding the Right Fit with Fitting Formulas with Dr. Andrea Hannan Dawkes

Course: #39782Level: Introductory0.5 Hours
AAA/0.05 Introductory; ACAud/0.5; AHIP/0.5; ASHA/0.05 Introductory, Professional; BAA/0.5; CAA/0.5; IACET/0.1; IHS/0.5; Kansas, LTS-S0035/0.5; NZAS/1.0; SAC/0.5
Prescriptive hearing aid fitting rationales play an important role in successful hearing aid fittings. The ability to optimize the hearing aid response from the first fit forward is necessary to ensure the technology being fit provides amplification that is appropriate for the hearing loss, promotes effective communication, and addresses the individual needs of the patient. Hearing aid fitting formulas can also play a role in the acceptance or rejection of amplification. In this session, Dr. Dave Fabry discusses fitting formulas with Dr. Andrea Hannan Dawkes, Senior Education & Training Audiologist.
Starkey Sound Bites: Dr. James Henry
In this podcast, tinnitus expert Dr. James Henry provides an overview of tinnitus generally and in the veteran population, closing with a discussion of current tinnitus research.
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Starkey Sound Bites: Dr. James Henry
In this podcast, tinnitus expert Dr. James Henry provides an overview of tinnitus generally and in the veteran population, closing with a discussion of current tinnitus research.
Starkey Sound Bites: Dr. James Henry

Course: #39365Level: Intermediate0.5 Hours
AAA/0.05 Intermediate; ACAud/0.5; AHIP/0.5; ASHA/0.05 Intermediate, Professional; BAA/0.5; CAA/0.5; Calif SLPAB/0.5; IACET/0.1; IHS/0.5; Kansas, LTS-S0035/0.5; NZAS/1.0; SAC/0.5
In this podcast, tinnitus expert Dr. James Henry provides an overview of tinnitus generally and in the veteran population, closing with a discussion of current tinnitus research.
Using Empowerment to Better Manage the Outcomes of Hearing Aid Wearers
In this interview, two researchers, Bec Bennett of NAL and Josefina Larsson of ORCA Europe, discuss the multi-faceted concept of empowerment, how to assess empowerment in the clinic, and how empowerment might contribute to better patient outcomes. They provide an analysis of their recently validated self-report, the EmpAQ-5, and how it can be used in clinical practice.
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Using Empowerment to Better Manage the Outcomes of Hearing Aid Wearers
In this interview, two researchers, Bec Bennett of NAL and Josefina Larsson of ORCA Europe, discuss the multi-faceted concept of empowerment, how to assess empowerment in the clinic, and how empowerment might contribute to better patient outcomes. They provide an analysis of their recently validated self-report, the EmpAQ-5, and how it can be used in clinical practice.
Using Empowerment to Better Manage the Outcomes of Hearing Aid Wearers

Course: #39575Level: Intermediate0.5 Hours
AAA/0.05 Intermediate; ACAud/0.5; AHIP/0.5; ASHA/0.05 Intermediate, Professional; BAA/0.5; CAA/0.5; IACET/0.1; IHS/0.5; Kansas, LTS-S0035/0.5; NZAS/1.0; SAC/0.5
In this interview, two researchers, Bec Bennett of NAL and Josefina Larsson of ORCA Europe, discuss the multi-faceted concept of empowerment, how to assess empowerment in the clinic, and how empowerment might contribute to better patient outcomes. They provide an analysis of their recently validated self-report, the EmpAQ-5, and how it can be used in clinical practice.
Technical Details of the IX Platform: Signia’s Approach to Signal Processing in Demanding Listening Environments
The objective of this podcast course is for clinicians to obtain a deeper understanding of Signia’s implementation of split processing and how it differs from competitors’ approaches. A primary focus of the material will be Signia’s implementation of region beamforming, motion sensors, and processed-based noise reduction in the IX platform.
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Technical Details of the IX Platform: Signia’s Approach to Signal Processing in Demanding Listening Environments
The objective of this podcast course is for clinicians to obtain a deeper understanding of Signia’s implementation of split processing and how it differs from competitors’ approaches. A primary focus of the material will be Signia’s implementation of region beamforming, motion sensors, and processed-based noise reduction in the IX platform.
Technical Details of the IX Platform: Signia’s Approach to Signal Processing in Demanding Listening Environments

Course: #39461Level: Advanced1 Hour
AAA/0.1 Advanced; ACAud/1.0; AHIP/1.0; ASHA/0.1 Advanced, Professional; BAA/1.0; CAA/1.0; IACET/0.1; IHS/1.0; Kansas, LTS-S0035/1.0; NZAS/1.0; SAC/1.0
The objective of this podcast course is for clinicians to obtain a deeper understanding of Signia’s implementation of split processing and how it differs from competitors’ approaches. A primary focus of the material will be Signia’s implementation of region beamforming, motion sensors, and processed-based noise reduction in the IX platform.
Working with Survivors of Human Trafficking for Health Care Providers
An introduction to human trafficking for professionals working in hearing health care settings. Topics covered include important terminology, the different types of human trafficking, and the scope of the problem within the United States. How to recognize the signs and risk factors for trafficking and conducting trauma-informed screenings for victims is also reviewed.
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Working with Survivors of Human Trafficking for Health Care Providers
An introduction to human trafficking for professionals working in hearing health care settings. Topics covered include important terminology, the different types of human trafficking, and the scope of the problem within the United States. How to recognize the signs and risk factors for trafficking and conducting trauma-informed screenings for victims is also reviewed.
Working with Survivors of Human Trafficking for Health Care Providers

Course: #42952Level: Intermediate1 Hour
AAA/0.1 Intermediate; ACAud/1.0; AHIP/1.0; ASHA/0.1 Intermediate, Related; BAA/1.0; CAA/1.0; Calif SLPAB/1.0; Calif. HADB/1.0 Hearing Aid Related; IACET/0.1; IHS/1.0; Kansas, LTS-S0035/1.0; NZAS/1.0; SAC/1.0
An introduction to human trafficking for professionals working in hearing health care settings. Topics covered include important terminology, the different types of human trafficking, and the scope of the problem within the United States. How to recognize the signs and risk factors for trafficking and conducting trauma-informed screenings for victims is also reviewed.
Starkey Sound Bites: Kristy Lowery
We are honored to be joined by Kristy Lowery, Director of Clinical Operations for Audibel to talk about hearing aid accessories. We will take a deep dive into how accessories are more than just cool gadgets, they are tools that work in partnership with hearing aids to enhance hearing. Whether it’s television enjoyment, better communication in challenging listening environments or simple hearing aid control, accessories can provide benefit hearing aid wearers in many ways.
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Starkey Sound Bites: Kristy Lowery
We are honored to be joined by Kristy Lowery, Director of Clinical Operations for Audibel to talk about hearing aid accessories. We will take a deep dive into how accessories are more than just cool gadgets, they are tools that work in partnership with hearing aids to enhance hearing. Whether it’s television enjoyment, better communication in challenging listening environments or simple hearing aid control, accessories can provide benefit hearing aid wearers in many ways.
Starkey Sound Bites: Kristy Lowery

Course: #39373Level: Intermediate0.5 Hours
AAA/0.05 Intermediate; ACAud/0.5; AHIP/0.5; ASHA/0.05 Intermediate, Professional; BAA/0.5; CAA/0.5; IACET/0.1; IHS/0.5; Kansas, LTS-S0035/0.5; NZAS/1.0; SAC/0.5
We are honored to be joined by Kristy Lowery, Director of Clinical Operations for Audibel to talk about hearing aid accessories. We will take a deep dive into how accessories are more than just cool gadgets, they are tools that work in partnership with hearing aids to enhance hearing. Whether it’s television enjoyment, better communication in challenging listening environments or simple hearing aid control, accessories can provide benefit hearing aid wearers in many ways.
Augmented Hearing Health via Managed Care Options, Interview with Resident Expert Jerry Weber
In this interview with Signia expert, Jerry Weber, the listener will come away with a general understanding of the managed care channel within the hearing care profession, and how to align this channel to best fit into your practice. Jerry will also provide guidance on how practices can remain competitive/profitable as managed care continues to gain traction in many places around the US.
Unlimited COURSE Access for $129/year
Augmented Hearing Health via Managed Care Options, Interview with Resident Expert Jerry Weber
In this interview with Signia expert, Jerry Weber, the listener will come away with a general understanding of the managed care channel within the hearing care profession, and how to align this channel to best fit into your practice. Jerry will also provide guidance on how practices can remain competitive/profitable as managed care continues to gain traction in many places around the US.
Augmented Hearing Health via Managed Care Options, Interview with Resident Expert Jerry Weber

Course: #39243Level: Introductory0.5 Hours
AAA/0.05 Introductory; ACAud/0.5; AHIP/0.5; ASHA/0.05 Introductory, Professional; BAA/0.5; CAA/0.5; IACET/0.1; IHS/0.5; NZAS/1.0; SAC/0.5
In this interview with Signia expert, Jerry Weber, the listener will come away with a general understanding of the managed care channel within the hearing care profession, and how to align this channel to best fit into your practice. Jerry will also provide guidance on how practices can remain competitive/profitable as managed care continues to gain traction in many places around the US.