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Trainable Hearing Aids - Friend or Foe for the Clinician?

Course: #22210Level: Intermediate 1 Hour 84 Reviews

Trainable hearing aids have been available for several years, although curiously, not embraced by many audiologists. This course is a review of trainable hearing aids, how they function and potential patient benefits. It will discuss the results of several research studies with trainable products, and illustrate how the findings of these studies relate to clinical practice. Finally, we’ll talk about some day-to-day applications for this technology, and hopefully conclude that trainable hearing aids are indeed a friend, not a foe.This course is part of the Signia Expert Series.

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No CEU credit available

Learning Outcomes

  • checkmarkAfter this course learners will be able to describe the operations of trainable hearing aids
  • checkmarkAfter this course learners will be able to describe the findings of research with trainable hearing aids
  • checkmarkAfter this course learners will be able to list three different clinical applications of trainable hearing aids

Course created on July 13, 2014


0-10 Minutes Introduction and Review of how trainable hearing aids work
10-20 Minutes Pros and cons of routine use of trainable products
20-40 Minutes Review of research which has studied trainable instruments
40-55 Minutes Future directions and clinical applications
55-60 Minutes Q/A Session


84 Reviews

Presented By

Presenter Disclosure: Disclosure: Financial: Dr. Mueller has a private audiology consulting practice and is the Senior Audiology consultant for Siemens Hearing Instruments. He serves as a Contributing Editor for AudiologyOnline and the hearing aids series editor for Plural Publishing. Dr. Mueller is the author of many textbooks regarding hearing aid selection and fitting. He is the senior author of the books “Communication Disorders in Aging”, “Probe Microphone Measurements”, and the co-author of the “The Audiologists’ Desk Reference, Volumes I and II. Non-Financial: Dr. Mueller has no non-financial relationships to disclose.

Sponsor Disclosure: This Course is presented by Siemens in partnership with AudiologyOnline.

Content Disclosure: This learning event does not focus exclusively on any specific product or service.

Course participation information

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On-demand courses include texts, video and audio recordings of live webinars, and multimedia formats. The exam and course evaluation for on-demand courses must be completed within 30 days of course registration.

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