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CEU Courses

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Recent Advancements in Bone Conduction Device Verification
Audioscan CEU courses
Presented by John Pumford, AuD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #40205Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This course will discuss the latest advancements in Audioscan fitting systems that support objective verification of bone conduction devices. Key considerations for accurate and efficient measurements with the Verifit Skull Simulator will be reviewed, along with Audioscan’s recent implementation of the DSL-BCD 2.0 fitting formula.

RealTime Conversation Enhancement: How Signia’s Integrated Xperience is Redefining Hearing Aid Technology
Signia CEU courses
Presented by Navid Taghvaei, AuD, ABAC, CCC-A
Recorded Webinar
Course: #40199Level: Advanced0.5 Hours
This advanced-level course delves into Signia’s innovative RealTime Conversation Enhancement technology, exploring its multi-stream architecture and dynamic capabilities in optimizing group conversations for hearing aid wearers. Participants will gain insights into its practical applications, technical processes, and evidence-based benefits for improving speech understanding in complex acoustic environments.

How to Elevate Aural Rehabilitation Education through Community-Engaged Learning
AudiologyOnline CEU courses
Presented by Shari Eberts, Kathy Cienkowski
Live WebinarWed, Mar 12, 2025 at 12:00 pm EDT
Course: #40399Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This course reports on a project using community-engaged activities to infuse patient narratives into a course on hearing devices. Results showed improved student understanding of the impact of hearing differences, and increased student desire to include community engagement and involvement as part of their career path.

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Single Sided Deafness? in partnership with the American Academy of Audiology
American Academy of Audiology CEU courses
Presented by Melanie Lutz, AuD, Virginia Milne, AuD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #40179Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Single-sided deafness (SSD) poses unique challenges to both the patient and the managing audiologist as SSD negatively impacts the ability to localize sound as well as speech understanding, especially in the presence of background noise. Clinical recommendations may be inconsistent as there is not a definitive best practice for the audiologic management of SSD so this presentation will review patients across the lifespan who pursued each treatment option and experienced varying outcomes.

ReSound Smart Fit 2.1: An Updated Software Version for a New ReSound Portfolio
ReSound CEU courses
Presented by Valerie Kedem, AuD
Live WebinarThu, Mar 13, 2025 at 2:00 pm EDT
Course: #40339Level: Introductory1 Hour

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ReSound introduces a new family portfolio, ReSound Vivia and ReSound Savi, as well as the newest version of ReSound Smart Fit software, ReSound Smart Fit 2.1. This course will focus on demonstrating the basic navigation of the first fit and highlight the new features of the ReSound portfolio.

Cognition, Audition, and Amplification in 2025 and Beyond
CareCredit & Allegro Credit CEU courses
Presented by Blaise Delfino, MS, HIS, Douglas Beck, AuD
Recorded Webinar
Course: #40245Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This course will discuss the many choices and surrounding issues hearing patients have to make in the changing environment. Discussion will include the difference between hearing and listening, consumer behavior, hearing aid stigma, and the influence of OTC products among other key topics.

Practical Video Otoscopy: Everyday Clinical Imaging of the External/Middle Ear
INVENTIS • Audiology & Balance Equipment CEU courses
Presented by Clayton Fisher, M.Cl.Sc
Recorded Webinar
Course: #40298Level: Intermediate1 Hour
This webinar, presented by Clayton Fisher, M.Cl.Sc., focuses on the advancements in video otoscopy technology and its critical role in modern audiology practices. Attendees will learn about different device options, practical tips for usage, and clinical examples that highlight the benefits of video otoscopy in diagnosis, documentation, and patient engagement.

PAIN: The Most Pervasive 4 Letter Word in Healthcare
AudiologyOnline CEU courses
Presented by Mike Studer, PT, DPT, MHS, NCS, CEEAA, CWT, CSST, CSRP, CBFP, FAPTA
Recorded Webinar
Course: #42963Level: Introductory2 Hours
An introduction to pain science and management for the rehabilitation professional is provided in this course. Specifically, recognition of pain, the systemic and pervasive effects, and multifactorial treatment strategies for pain are addressed as they relate to a hearing healthcare practice.

20Q: Auditory Neuropathy and Auditory Synaptopathy - Genotyping and Phenotyping
AudiologyOnline CEU courses
Presented by Linda J. Hood, PhD
Course: #40220Level: Advanced2 Hours
This course discusses new developments in genotyping and phenotyping auditory neuropathy and auditory synaptopathy (AN/AS). Background information, evaluation, and management are discussed.

Bimodal Approach to Managing Hearing Loss
Advanced Bionics CEU courses
Presented by Kaitlyn Plewniak
Live WebinarTue, Mar 18, 2025 at 12:00 pm EDT
Course: #40380Level: Intermediate1 Hour
Severe to profound hearing loss may be a challenging population to support across the hearing loss continuum. Learn updated CI evaluation referral criteria and about a comprehensive portfolio of solutions.

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