What’s New in Genie Medical BAHS?
You now have access to RemoteCare. You do have some new tools within OpenSound Optimizer helping you with that feedback management system. We do have some new pediatric fitting tools, special purpose programs, and we now have access to DSLBC.
Genie Medical BAHS keeps its well-known flow and the clear connection to the hearing instrument software, Genie 2. New features comes with the OpenSound Optimizer which can be set in two levels in the “Automatics”, new special purpose programs for music, lecture, and comfort, the option of fitting with the DSL rationale, and new pediatric shortcuts to the pediatric settings for the device.
Let's start with Oticon RemoteCare. A couple of things I just want to point out is that if you're using the software for the first time with Ponto 5 Mini, you will need to make sure that you've enabled Oticon RemoteCare. To do that, you're going to go into your preferences and then over to RemoteCare and then just make sure that that check box is turned on. That's the only unique thing.
Once it's turned on, when you go back to the software, you'll be able to see there down in the bottom left corner, the access to Oticon RemoteCare. You'll need to get a username and a password. I encourage you if you have an Oticon one already, you can use that one. If not, you can reach out to your clinical specialists and they'll help you through that process.
Next, with OpenSound Optimizer, there's a couple of additional features that are incorporated into the software that you'll see now. First off, OpenSound Optimizer and feedback shield use a default starting detection frequency of 940 Hz. Now, this can be adjusted if you needed to do so for a particular patient use case situation. It can be lifted to approximately 1,500 Hz in the software. To do that, you would actually go into automatics. You'll see now under feedback management that you have the option of normal, which is the default, but you can change it to low, and low would be that starting at 1,500 Hz.
This Ask the Expert is an excerpt from Introducing the Ponto 5 Mini and RemoteCare for Oticon Medical.