What makes Speech Priority Noise Reduction (SPNR) different from other systems?
First of all, our system does not work on channels and bands like traditional hearing aids. Instead the signal is processed as a whole and monitors the signal to noise ratio. When the noise gets louder than the desired speech signal, SPNR kicks in.
How does it do that?
It is quite an impressive process, actually. We are able to separate the steady state noise from the highly modulated speech signal. SPNR only attacks the noise when the desired signal (speech) is compromised. It does this so quickly and efficiently, it is able to attenuate the noise in between the sounds of speech. It does this all without reducing the speech signal.
That sounds like a really great feature. What levels of Sonic technology has SPNR?
That’s the fantastic thing about our current product line-up; so many of our products offer SPNR. Whether you need a RIC (Flip100, Flip80 and Flip60), a BTE or custom aid (Bliss100, Bliss80, Charm60, Charm40), an IIC (Bliss100, Charm60), your patients will be able to benefit from this technology.
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