Electronic Medical Records (EMR) or Electronic Health Record (EHR) is an ongoing initiative in the healthcare landscape today. What is Otobase® and how does it help practices meet audiology health IT needs?
Lance Brown: The Otobase® EMR connector by Otometrics is designed to bring audiology into the EMR/EHR. We discussed this in detail in one of our past interviews “EMR Connectivity Made Easy”. Otobase integrates audiology patient data electronically with commonly used systems like EPIC, AllScripts and AllMeds. It works seamlessly with the Noah database or as a standalone database with Otosuite®.
Kathleen Hill: That’s the beauty of Otobase―it works with software platforms clinics may already use. Because Otobase is Noah-compatible, it can support patient data management for all major audiology equipment and systems. Otobase is actually the only EMR solution today that can connect your complete audiology workflow to EMR―allowing you to access and manage test data seamlessly for otoscopy, audiometry, OAE, tympanometry, PMM and beyond. When all systems work together like that, you can really save time and streamline your workflow.
Mona Dworsack: Otobase EMR integration automates record-keeping so you and your staff can manage audiology patient data from one easy-to-use application. Integration can increase productivity and save valuable clinician time while minimizing room for data errors and reducing manual processes. Less time spent on administrative work―like printing, scanning and uploading PDF documents―means audiologists have more time to spend with patients.
Lance: If an audiology clinic is part of a group or health care system, Otobase is a simple and secure way to connect to EMR/EHR. Implementing Otobase EMR will allow managers and users to access audiology patient data across multiple locations or specialties—including audiology/ENT, pediatrics, newborn care, neurology, balance, and physical therapy clinics.
This Ask the Expert is an excerpt from the interview, Navigating Audiology Health IT and Patient Data Integration. For more information please visit please visit or the Otometrics Partner Page on AudiologyOnline.