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Upgrading to Noah 4

Scott Peterson

March 19, 2012



I've heard great things about Noah 4 but am reluctant to upgrade. I also have some really old measurement equipment software and I'm not sure if it will work with Noah 4. Can I continue using Noah 3?


You don't say why you are reluctant to upgrade to Noah 4, but let's face it, most of us don't like to change technology that works well and we are comfortable using. Also, years ago when we upgraded from Noah 2 to Noah 3, it was challenging for some people and you may have been one of them. Let me assure you that is not the case with Noah 4. We conduct follow-up surveys roughly two weeks after people have upgraded, and overall they are very satisfied and have no problems.

The upgrade process to Noah 4 is seamless and very automatic. You run the installation and it will move the patient data very safely and securely to a new database that we use with Noah 4. It will also migrate all the modules over to Noah 4.

Noah 4 is very safe and everything runs very well, but we do provide information on our website with a list of modules and equipment that have been certified for Noah 4. Certification for Noah 4 involves a very extensive testing process. If you want to be extra cautious about your old probe mic system, take a look at the list.

To access the lists, from our homepage click All you need to know about Noah 4, and then click Noah 4 certified modules.

Some of the best advocates of Noah 4 are the technical support representatives at the different hearing instrument manufacturers. They are our primary line of support.
They're the ones that typically work directly with hearing professionals. In many cases if they have a problem with Noah 3 that they haven't been able to solve, they move to Noah 4 and it takes care of it. They can also see that the new features are useful and easy to use, and are very enthusiastic about it, and I think their enthusiasm motivates professionals to go ahead and upgrade.

For further information please visit our website, We keep it updated with all the latest information on Noah 4, Noahlink, as well as other product and support information.

Scott Peterson is Vice President of New Product Development and Technical Support at HIMSA. He has been with HIMSA for 15 years in a variety of roles. In his current position he is responsible for U.S. operations, as well involved with new product design and development.

Scott Peterson

Vice President of New Product Development and Technical Support, HIMSA

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