I am looking for normative data regarding stimulus and recording parameters, and also, I'd like to get some idea as to reasonable values for the TB-ABRrecordings.
Tone burst ABR (TB-ABR) has not been used widely in our clinics because of several reasons, mainly due to less importance given in training in the graduate programs about its applications. TB-ABR is really applicable in assessing the hearing capacity of at least sloping hearing loss cases, where the click ABR may be absent. The main problem with the TB-ABR is poor wave morphology and poor replicability when compared to the click ABR. One channel recording is suitable for the TB-ABR recording. Generally, the following parameters are used to record TB-ABR.
Use of notch noise with tone bursts is the current focus of many researchers. More research needs to be done to standardize the use of simultaneous masking with the tone bursts to find out its effectiveness in finding out the threshold data.
Submitted by:
M. Reddy Sivaprasad
Junior Research Fellow
Dept. Of Audiology
All India Institute Of Speech and Hearing
Manasagangothri, MYSORE-6
Karnataka, INDIA
Ph: +91-821-514618 Fax: +91-821-510515
* The author is a technical advisor for GN ReSound, India.
Pant, K. (2001). Tone burst auditory brainstem response in subjects with sloping SN hearing loss. An independent project