Are there any special considerations for programming Ponto 5 for a pediatric fitting?
To get started with Ponto 5 programming, check out the Quick Fitting Guide.
In addition, special fitting considerations for pediatrics include the following:
1. Enter the child’s date of birth into Noah.
2. Always run feedback analysis. The Quick Start Guide provides instructions.
3. If the patient is old enough to perform BC In-Situ measurements, always measure them. Patients can be conditioned to VRA using the BC-Insitu signal in the booth if your set-up allows for this.
4. Make sure to check your preferences for the LED light settings.
5. Oticon Medical is the first and only manufacturer to have built-in DSL-BC Pediatrics
In addition, use the Genie Medical Updater to ensure you have the latest version of the programming software.
This Ask the Expert is an edited excerpt of the Oticon Medical recorded course, Ponto 5 Mini Advanced Fitting Techniques - Adult and Pediatric Populations. Register to view the course here.