Is there an amplified Bluetooth stethoscope that I can recommend for my patients with hearing loss, who have a Bluetooth streamer device that they use with their hearing aids?
Not too long ago, the Audiologist’s Choice Bluetooth Amplified Stethoscope (AC-Scope) was a commercially available amplified stethoscope specifically designed to pair with hearing instrument streamers, demonstrating initial promise. Unfortunately, the device was plagued with signal transmission issues that either precluded necessary pairing between the AC-Scope’s amplifier and the hearing instrument streamer or, even when successfully paired, resulted in intermittency sufficient to interfere with performing clinical procedures. At this time, there are no known amplified stethoscopes commercially with Bluetooth capabilities specifically designed for pairing with a hearing instrument. The 3M Littmann Amplified Electronic Stethoscope is equipped with Bluetooth, however the technology is limited to wireless transmission of recorded data to a Bluetooth enabled PC. For the most up-to-date information on current amplified stethoscope solutions for hearing instrument wearers, please see the July 10, 2013 post entitled Amplified Stethoscope & Hearing Instruments – Current Solutions at A.U. Bankaitis’s Audiology Blog.