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Bernafon - Hearing Aids - April 2024

Telephone Use and the Bernafon brite

Duane Higginbotham, MS, MBA, PhD

July 14, 2008



I have noticed that in hearing aids such as the Bernafon brite, they have an acoustic telephone program instead of a telecoil. What is the reasoning for this?


brite 503 and 502 do not have a telecoil or auto-telephone program. This is for 2 reasons:

  1. Space constraints. Incorporating a 312 battery (at the identified priority for longer battery life) limited options for placing for a telecoil or auto-T switch. This remains under consideration and will be implemented at such time as miniaturization in components and development allows.

  2. It is expected that brite will be fitted to a demographic that will not often need a T-coil, but who will more likely utilize a remote control. As such, a strategic decision was taken to gain the sales advantage of a remote control function, allowing volume and program adjustments. This feature is not common with brite's direct competitors.
brite utilizes an acoustic telephone program, which is automatically assigned by the Lifestyle Profile, if telephone use is defined as a listening goal. If the Lifestyle Profile is not completed, an acoustic telephone program can be assigned manually under "Programs/Assign"

The microphone input in acoustic telephone program is always omni-directional.

Like all programs, the acoustic telephone program is adjustable by selecting this program and optimizing.

Options in the Lifestyle Profile involving a telecoil are not accessible.

Duane Higginbotham earned his M.S. in Communicative Disorders/Audiology from the University of Wisconsin/Stevens Point, and his MBA from Eastern University. He joined Bernafon-US in early 2007 as an Audiolgy & Education Specialsit. He has 30+ years experience in Audiology dispensing and training, including positions as Director of Audiology at Saint John Regional Hospital (Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada), Director of Audiology at the Veterans Administration, Manhattan, New York, and Trainer and Regional Business Development Manager for Miracle Ear / Amplifon.

For More information about Bernafon, visit or the Bernafon Web Channel on Audiology Online.

Duane Higginbotham, MS, MBA, PhD

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