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ReSound Smart Fit - August 2024


Robert Keith, PhD

August 3, 2001



What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the SCAN-C as a screening tool for Auditory Processing Disorders?


There are several advantages in using SCAN-C in your central auditory test battery. First, the battery includes four tests of auditory processing including filtered words, auditory figure ground, competing words, and competing sentences. These are among the main categories of tests suggested by the ASHA task force on central auditory processing published in 1996. The results tell the examiner about ability to process acoustically distorted speech and speech in noise. The dichotic tests provide information about hemispheric specialization for language, maturation of the auditory system, and possible delay or damage to auditory pathways. Second, the test is the best standardized central auditory test available. Results can be presented in percentiles and standard scores for direct comparison to standardized language and intelligence tests, and the results are easily understood by parents, teachers, and other professionals. Finally, the test is efficient in terms of time required for administration and interpretation, and the newly recorded CD makes it easy to administer. Whether you consider SCAN-C a screening or diagnostic test, it provides a great deal of information in a short time.

Robert W. Keith is professor and director of the division of audiology, Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Cincinnati college of medicine. He is the author of chapters and research articles on the topic of central auditory processing. He is the editor of two books on this subject. Dr. Keith is the author of several tests of auditory processing disorders including SCAN, SCAN-A, SCAN-C, the Auditory Fusion Threshold Test - Revised, and the Random Gap Detection Test. He is frequently invited to speak both nationally and internationally on the topic of central auditory processing disorders in adults and children.

Robert Keith, PhD

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