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Receiver Noise with Comfort Digisystem

Ragnar Åhgren

November 28, 2011



I just started using the Comfort Digisystem digital listening system and I'm only getting noise from the receiver. What could be the cause?


Noise from your receiver tends to be due to one of two reasons: either you have interference on the channel you are using, or the units are not paired properly. Try using a different channel or carry out pairing again.
Pairing of units can be done at any time using the pairing button or via the unit's menu.

Thank you for your question! For more information on Comfort Audio's Comfort Digisystem, please visit: or the Comfort Audio web channel on AudiologyOnline.

Ragnar Åhgren is President and CEO, US and Canada, for Comfort Audio. Comfort Audio has earned an international reputation for leadership in the field of assistive listening devices due to its focus on quality and technology innovation since its inception in 1994. In addition to personal ALDs, Comfort Audio offers a range of hearing systems to enable active work environments and to promote learning in schools. More information about Comfort Audio and the assistive listening devices can be found at

Ragnar Åhgren

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Comfort Audio

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