What is the Pediatric Loaner Program?
The Ponto Pediatric Loaner Program is something that is unique to Oticon Medical and bone anchored pediatric candidates. It was designed to ensure that no child is without sound. This program allows clinicians to provide a choice of a Ponto 3 SuperPower or Ponto 4 with softbands to children who need direct amplification. This ensures they receive early access to sound to promote optimal speech and language learning, while waiting for third-party reimbursement approval.
What is the process for hearing care professionals?
We are a very customer service driven company and want to make this process as simple as possible for clinicians. Facilities that are interested in enrolling must first have an established account with Oticon Medical. Once the account is established, the facility must then complete a one-time loaner application with Oticon Medical to participate in the program. Training will be provided to centers that are not proficient with the current Oticon Medical Genie Medical software, which can be done onsite or remotely with local representatives.
How does this program benefit hearing care professionals?
It allows clinicians to provide sound to children immediately without hassle. We know how important it is to provide children access to sounds to promote speech and language development and want professionals to have a way to do this while waiting for insurance approval. It is a very simple process. The clinician needs to fill out an order form and return it to Oticon Medical. This will now allow the child to receive a Ponto 3 SuperPower or Ponto 4 sound processor for a three-month period. Once the loan period expires, they then have the option to purchase the processor or return the device to Oticon Medical. We will even send a reminder postcard when a patient is within three weeks of the loaner period expiring, and a phone call will also be made the week before it expires.
This Ask the Expert is an excerpt from the Interview, Oticon Medical Introduces the Pediatric Loaner Program​.