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Is the Number of Audiology Private Practices Increasing?

Dave Smriga

January 16, 2012



As an Au.D. student, my business courses have emphasized practice ownership, and I know the Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA) has a position paper stating that the future of audiology as a profession is best served if the majority of audiologists are in private practice. Is the number of audiology private practices increasing?


Unfortunately, no. I looked at this issue both in 2004 and 2011 and estimated the number of autonomous, independent hearing care practices (this would include both audiology and hearing instrument dispensing practices), and overall the number markedly decreased during this time period (Smriga, 2004, 2007). In 2004, I estimated there were approximately 5,060 independent private practices, and that number decreased to approximately 2,760 in 2011. One of the main factors for this was the acquisition of private practices by corporate entities such as hearing aid manufacturers. I detail this in my 2011 paper and encourage you to reference it for further information.

As a student, this corporatization of hearing care practices could have a negative impact on your future earnings (private practice audiologists earn more on average than audiologists in other settings), your career opportunities, and your patients' perception of your services, among other things. I agree with ADA that the future of audiology depends on the profession being autonomous.

Securing nationwide consumer recognition and "demand" for audiology care can certainly be a powerful foundation upon which audiology's future can be nurtured, and is arguably a necessary environment in order for audiology's autonomy to be established. This can only happen if audiology 1) commits to competing at the commercial level for the minds and hearts of America's hearing and balance patients, and 2) delivers a patient care experience that is second to none. Audiology-focused group purchasing (like AuDNet, Inc.) that uses group-purchasing revenue to nationally market and promote audiology care, and that can underwrite audiology-favorable political and legislative action, can accomplish the first. Each individual audiology practitioner must take responsibility to accomplish the second. Thank you for your question.


Smriga, D. (2004). Are we asleep at the wheel? The delicate future of audiology private practice in America. Feedback (the official publication of the Academy of Doctors of Audiology), 15(4), 7-15.

Smriga, D. (2011). Are we (still) asleep at the wheel? An update from seven years ago. AudiologyOnline, Article #2387. Retrieved September 15, 2011 from the Articles Archive on

David J. Smriga is founder and President of AuDNet, Inc., a nationwide audiology marketing and media engagement organization funded through the group purchasing power of the audiology community. Mr. Smriga has been a tireless advocate for building stronger consumer recognition and demand for audiology care both locally and nationally. Through his articles and lectures, Mr. Smriga continues to engage the audiology community and the general public, seeking to make audiology care the first thing American's think of when seeking hearing or balance and extensive training must be the future for audiology and must be the guiding principle that drives AuDNet, Inc.

For more information about AuDNet, visit the AuDNet web channel on AudiologyOnline.

Dave Smriga

Founder and President of AuDNet, Inc.

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