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How Long Will Noah 3 be Supported?

Søren Kristensen

June 3, 2013



I’m planning on upgrading to Noah 4, but haven’t done so yet.  Noah 3 is still supported, right?


As of April, Noah 4 has been on the market for over two years, and has been praised from the start for both its stability and usability. And best of all, the upgrade from NOAH 3 to Noah 4 is free.

With this in mind, HIMSA has officially set the NOAH 3 end of support date to September 30, 2013, five months from now. This will allow us to concentrate all our support and training efforts on Noah 4 products.

This means that after this date:

  • HIMSA will no longer provide 2nd level NOAH 3 support to our distributors.
  • The NOAH 3 support materials on our website will be removed.
  • You will not be able to download NOAH 3 licenses from HIMSA’s website. (However, you will still be able to upgrade NOAH 3 Licenses to Noah 4.)
  • Modules written for NOAH 3 will only be tested and certified with Noah 4.
  • HIMSA will no longer perform extensive NOAH 3 upgrade testing when we release new versions of Noah 4.

Therefore, if you currently own NOAH 3, we highly suggest that you plan the free upgrade to Noah 4 within the next few months. You’ll be glad you did!

For more information, please visit or the HIMSA Expo Page on AudiologyOnline

s ren kristensen

Søren Kristensen

Product Manager, HIMSA

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