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Phonak Infinio - January 2025

How Does SoundRecover2 Frequency Lowering Technology Work?

Angela Pelosi

August 8, 2016



Can you briefly describe how Phonak's new SoundRecover2 frequency lowering technology works?


SoundRecover2 allows a greater compressed region to extend to those with more profound hearing loss, and also to those with left corner and ski-slope audiograms.  Inputs above the upper cut-off frequency are always compressed with a fixed compression ratio.

In the mid-frequency area between the upper and lower cut-off frequencies, the processing depends adaptively on the input signal. In this mid-frequency area, the system determines adaptively whether frequency compression will be active or not.

In the case of more low frequency content in the input signal, frequency compression takes place with the upper cut-off frequency to “protect” the low-frequency sounds from being compressed.

In case of more high frequency content, frequency compression takes place with the lower cut-off frequency to restore audibility of the high-frequency sounds.

SoundRecover2 restores access to high-frequency soundsSoundRecover2 restores access to high-frequency sounds and at the same time protects low- and mid-frequency sounds

SoundRecover2 restores access to high-frequency sounds (left side) and at the same time protects low- and mid-frequency sounds.

This Ask the Expert is an excerpt from an interview about the new Phonak Sky V pediatric portfolio - read the full interview here or visit for more information.

angela pelosi

Angela Pelosi

Angela Pelosi is Global Head of Pediatrics at Phonak headquarters in Switzerland. She graduated as an Audiologist from Melbourne University and has worked in numerous settings ranging from pediatric clinical audiology, adult clinical audiology, to leading a sales team in Phonak Australia. Since 2012, she has had the pleasure of leading a dedicated and committed Pediatric team in Phonak headquarters in Switzerland, where she is responsible for the development of an innovative and comprehensive portfolio of solutions and services to provide children of all ages with the best possible outcomes.

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