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Benefits of Comfort Contego® Digital FM System

Patrik Liljekvist

February 16, 2009



What are the advantages of a Comfort Contego® digital FM system over a traditional analog system?


There are many benefits using a Comfort Contego® digital FM system. A very important benefit with Comfort Contego® is that it's not possible to eavesdrop, which you can do with an ordinary FM system. There are many situations where privacy is critical, such as with a lawyer who is hearing impaired and speaking confidentially with a client. With an ordinary FM system, you can pick up very easily on the conversation from outside the room. The same thing would apply to a doctor, for instance, who is talking with a patient. With Comfort Audio's Comfort Contego® wireless communication system, the transmission is digital and scrambled it is not possible eavesdrop.
Comfort Contego® is an audio streaming digital system. Compared with i.e. Bluetooth, it uses very little power and also has no time delay in the audio link between the transmitter and the receiver. Especially for people with hearing impairments who use lip reading in addition to their hearing, it's very important to hear the signal at the same time you see the speaker's lips moving.

So those are just a few of the important technical benefits of Comfort Contego® as compared to ordinary analog FM systems, which have contributed to its rapid success both in Europe and the US.

Patrik Liljekvist is Sales & Marketing Director, North, Central & South America for Comfort Audio. Comfort Audio has earned an international reputation for leadership in the field of assistive listening devices due to its focus on quality and technology innovation since its inception in 1994. In addition to personal ALDs, Comfort Audio offers a range of hearing systems to enable active work environments and to promote learning in schools. More information about Comfort Audio and Comfort Contego® can be found at

Patrik Liljekvist

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