I am an audiologist in Illinois. It would be helpful if we could have our receptionist perform duties such as fitting swim plugs, perform cleaning of hearing aids as well as tubing changes on hearing aids. From what I have heard as long as the audiologist is willing to let the receptionist perform these tasks under their licensure then it is okay, but I want to be sure before moving forward.
Thank you for your inquiry. There are several resources that can be of assistance to you before you make a decision to utilize support personnel in your audiology practice.
You should contact the Illinois licensure board (both the audiology and hearing instrument boards, if they are separate licenses in your state) for guidance regarding state regulations related to the use of audiology support personnel;tasks to which they may be assigned;supervision requirements, etc.
In addition, you should run the proposal by your malpractice carrier to make sure that you and the practice will be covered under any circumstances that could arise (i.e. - should a problem develop or a client be injured). You and the practice may be subject to an allegation that you are vicariously liable for any problems/consequences associated with the receptionist's support. Be sure to inform the carrier of the specific tasks you assign to the support personnel.
Dr. Vic S. Gladstone is Chief Staff Officer for Audiology at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). As Chief Staff Officer for Audiology, Dr. Gladstone is responsible for not only ASHA's audiology programs and activities but, ASHA's Certification, Academic Accreditation, Ethics, and Academic Affairs areas. ASHA is the scientific, professional, and credentialing association serving the needs of over 130,000 certified audiologists, certified speech-language pathologists and speech, language, hearing scientists.
Vic Gladstone, PhD
Chief Staff Officer for Audiology, ASHA
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