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Search results for "Oticon" in Articles

The Audiology of Oticon Intiga

Donald J. Schum, PhD

May 21, 2012

Every aspect of the hearing device — the appearance, the fit and feel and the signal processing — has to be right. Oticon Intiga provides a solid foundation to change the patient's preconc...   Read More

The Emergence of Hearing Loss in the Adult Patient

Donald J. Schum, PhD

April 23, 2012

This is a transcript of a live seminar. To view the recorded course, register here: /audiology-ceus/course/hearing-hearing-loss-215-hearing-aids-adults-emergence-hearing-loss-in-adult-19816 This is th...   Read More

New Insights into First-time Users

Donald J. Schum, PhD, Julie Neel Weile, Thomas Behrens

February 1, 2012

Readiness Management is the collection of best practices that can assist in moving a patient who shows some level of interest in obtaining amplification to the point of trial use in a way that maximiz...   Read More

A Broader View of Open Fittings

Donald J. Schum, PhD

January 30, 2012

This is a transcript of the live seminar presented on August 25, 2011. To view the course recording, register here. This course is part of a series of talks that I am giving on AudiologyOnline this ye...   Read More

Attracting First-time Users: An Insight-based Marketing Approach

Sheena D. Oliver, AuD, MBA, Mary Porath, Nancy Palmere, David Roback, MEd

January 2, 2012

For many, the word "traffic" may conjure up images of bumper to bumper cars, horns blaring, and irate drivers steaming over time wasted on the road. But for hearing care professionals managing their o...   Read More


Dynamics: The Third Dimension of Speech

Donald J. Schum, PhD

August 15, 2011

This is a transcript of the live expert e-seminar. To view the course recording, please register here Today I want to discuss a signal that we as audiologists spend a lot of time talking about but, in...   Read More

Providing Amplification to the Aging Auditory System

Donald J. Schum, PhD

January 24, 2011

This is an edited transcript of the live expert e-seminar. To view the course recording, click here. This course is part of a four-part series of seminars on AudiologyOnline entitled "Myths, Assumptio...   Read More

The Audiology in Agil

Donald J. Schum, PhD

April 19, 2010

More than anything else, hearing aid wearers want to count on their hearing in all of the situations that they encounter. As the person with hearing loss goes throughout the day, there will be many ch...   Read More

Standard Versus Special Fitting Approaches

Donald J. Schum, PhD

November 2, 2009

Audiology, like other clinical sciences, strives to treat patients using consistent, evidence-based approaches. It is expected that caregiving professions ensure that all patients are managed using ve...   Read More

Advanced Technology Fittings - Customizing Features

Donald J. Schum, PhD

June 22, 2009

Editor's Note: This is part of a series of six expert seminar presentations and articles on the human side of the fitting process. This series is being presented throughout 2009, and is designed to wa...   Read More

Managing Patient Expectations

Donald J. Schum, PhD

April 13, 2009

Editor's Note: This is part of a series of six expert seminar presentations and articles on the human side of the fitting process. This series is being presented throughout 2009, and is designed to wa...   Read More


Motivating the Older Patient to Take Action

Donald J. Schum, PhD

February 9, 2009

Editor's Note: This is part of a series of six expert seminar presentations and articles on the human side of the fitting process. This series is being presented throughout 2009, and is designed to wa...   Read More


Negative Synergy: Hearing Loss and Aging

Donald J. Schum, PhD, Douglas Beck, AuD

June 23, 2008

Basic audiometric measures do not offer a comprehensive description of the speech understanding ability or difficulty of patients. Speech understanding is complex and complicated. Individual cognitive...   Read More

New Technology and Spatial Resolution

Donald J. Schum, PhD, Lisa Bruun Hansen

August 20, 2007

We live in a complex world. We are constantly bombarded by stimulation. As humans, we have an amazing ability to sort through this onslaught and automatically and effortlessly make sense of the consta...   Read More

T-Coils: Beyond the Telephone

Douglas Beck, AuD, Preben Brunved

October 16, 2006

T-coils (also called induction pick-up coils, or magnetic induction systems) have existed within personal hearing aids since the late 1940s (Ross, 2004). T-coils can be thought of as mini-antennas, wh...   Read More


Amplification and Medically Complex Hearing Loss

Donald J. Schum, PhD, Douglas Beck, AuD

October 9, 2006

Hearing aids are generally fit based on the type and degree of hearing loss, not etiology. However, in medically complex cases, hearing loss is only one manifestation of an underlying and ongoing dise...   Read More


FM Made Friendly

Douglas Beck, AuD, Maureen D. Tomasula, Johnnie Sexton

August 28, 2006

Advanced technology hearing aids allow tremendous capabilities for people with hearing loss, providing benefits such as: improved signal-to-noise ratio, reduced background noise, high fidelity sound q...   Read More


Incorporating the Sound Activity Meter into Clinical Practice

Donald J. Schum, PhD

April 24, 2006

The numbers are in and there is good news and bad news. Kochkin (2005) has presented the findings of the most recent industry study (MarkeTrak VII) on hearing aid use and satisfaction. First, the good...   Read More

Meta Controls and Advanced Technology Amplification

Donald J. Schum, PhD, Douglas Beck, AuD

March 27, 2006

One of the goals of an effective hearing aid fitting is to package the world of sound into the remaining hearing capability of the patient. From the patient's perspective, a successfully amplified sou...   Read More

Integrating New Technology: Addressing Old Problems

Donald J. Schum, PhD

March 21, 2005

Processing speech in difficult listening environments to allow maximal word and sentence recognition is the single greatest challenge facing hearing aid researchers and manufacturers. Interference fro...   Read More

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