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Audioscan Simulated REM - September 2021

Audioscan Unveils the Latest Enhancements to the Verifit2, Axiom and RM500SL Fitting Systems at AudiologyNOW!


Visit Audioscan at booth # 1101 to experience the latest in verification technology from North America’s #1 fitting system manufacturer.


Dorchester, Ontario, March 27, 2017.  Audioscan is pleased to announce the introduction of new fitting software and hardware enhancements for its market leading Verifit2, Axiom and RM500SL brands at AudiologyNow.

Stop by the Audioscan booth at AudiologyNow in Indianapolis to experience the unique features and benefits provided by each fitting system and learn more about the latest enhancements across the product lines including:

  • New Verifit Skull Simulator. Now you can verify bone anchored hearing systems (BAHS) with this new test box accessory for Verifit 2 and legacy Verifit 1. The new VA-300 Verifit Skull simulator is a plug compatible substitute for the acoustic coupler that provides an easy way to measure the actual output of the BAHS device in the test box.  Most BAHA and Ponto devices are supported.  New DSL-BC transforms and targets are included to provide a means to professionally verify speech audibility for adults or children using the actual device rather than via a simulation.
  • New Frequency Lowering Fitting Tool. Selecting appropriate frequency lowering settings with /s/ and /sh/ stimuli has never been easier thanks to the guidance provided by the new maximum audible output frequency (MAOF) range highlighter offered with the Verifit2.
  • New SII target ranges. Additional guidance to inform programming decisions is now offered via the inclusion of aided SII target ranges with DSLv5 child fittings in the Verifit2.
  • New international speech passages. Additional calibrated speech passages have been added to provide additional fitting flexibility in the language of your choice. New language files for Spanish, German, French and Mandarin Chinese are now available in Verifit2 and Axiom.
  • New binaural measurement capabilities.  The occlusion test and manual control are now fully binaural on the Verifit 2 thereby enabling all applications on Verifit 2 to offer fully binaural operation.

Audioscan fitting hardware

See ALL the ways the Verifit2, Axiom and RM500SL can help you offer your patients the best possible hearing experience.  Audioscan looks forward to seeing you in Indianapolis.

For additional information, go to or the Audioscan Expo Page on AudiologyOnline
Email:  Phone: 1-800-265-2093

©2017 Audioscan, a division of Etymonic Design Inc.  All rights reserved.

About Audioscan

Audioscan is the leading manufacturer of professional verification systems in North America. The company manufactures the Verifit®2, Axiom®, and the RM500SL™ systems.  Audioscan pioneered the custom Speechmap® auditory mapping tool and the use of real-life signals like speech for best-science hearing aid verification. 

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